Foster Application Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastMiddle Intitial *Email *Your Date of Birth *Street Address *City and State *Zip Code *Phone Number *Number of people in household *Ages of anyone in the house under 18 *Emergency Contact Name and Number *Is anyone in the home allergic to cats *YesNoType of Residence *HouseCondoFarm/BarnApartmentMobile HomeIf renting, are cats allowed?YesNoName and phone number of Landlord (required for rentals) *Type of Street *Busy RoadResidential AreaSlight trafficCountry RoadWhere will the cat live? *Inside onlyMostly insideOutside onlyMostly outsideWhere will the cat stay at night? *InsideOutsideWill you allow the cat to run loose outside? *YesNoHow many hours a day will the cat be alone? *Where will the cat stay when home alone? *Home activity level *Busy (visits by friends, meetings, children, parties at home)Noisy (TV, stereo, tools, children playing, dogs barking)Moderate (normal comings and goings)Quiet (homebodies, few guests)Have you had pets in the last five years? *YesNoPlease list current pets, types and agesAre all your pets spayed or neutered? *YesNoAre all of your pets up to date on vaccinations? *YesNoHave all of your cats been tested for the Feline Leukemia Virus? *YesNoPlease list your last 5 pets and why they are no longer with youIf you have fostered cats before, please list the organization(s)If you have fostered before, why are you no longer with that organization?What is your work schedule? *What would you do if a foster cat became ill? *What would you do if a foster cat ran away? *What would you do if a foster cat passed away? *How long are you willing to foster? *Where will you keep your foster cat? *Do you own a car for transporting the cat? *YesNoWhat kind of cat are you interested in fostering? *Adult cat (friendly)Adult cat (shy)A pair of adult catskittensDo you have any experience with the followingGiving medications to catsCaring for sick catsAre you 18 years of age or older? *YesNoWhy do you want to foster cats? *Full Names and Ages of all Adults in your Household *Subscribe to our Quarterly Newsletter?YesNoEmailSubmit